And while the cause of this is varied and complicated - stress, medication, increased calorie intake, hormonal changes, among others - the effect is simple ... people seem to slowly get heavier as they get older, and struggle to do anything about it.
Have you been eating the same way since you were 20 years old without realising it?
Many people become accustomed to eating certain things and certain portion sizes and never stop to think that maybe, since their body has changed, so should their food habits.
Try this: Write down everything you eat and drink for a week. I mean EVERYTHING – from your coffee in the morning to the biscuit you grabbed at the office during your meeting. Be honest. Don’t leave anything out.
Once you know how much you’re eating, add up the calories. If the calories are high, take the next five days and eat HALF as much as you normally would and see how you feel. My guess is you'll feel energised and light, and after the first day or two you won’t even feel hungry for more…
Copyright: designer491 / 123RF Stock Photo
During my dieting days, I set so many freaking rules for myself: when
Weight loss is your goal and for that, you spend hours on working out.
Sad movies can wreck more than your mascara. They can also do a number
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