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Reward yourself with non-food indulgences

Antonio Diaz - 123rf.com

Reward yourself with non-food indulgences

If you have shed a few kilograms or have another achievement to celebrate, consider rewarding yourself with some form of non-food indulgence. This can save you hundreds of calories especially if you tend to involve food as a major part of your reward system.

Examples of non-food indulgences

Here are some examples of non-food indulgences:

Time out to relax

Give yourself a break and take time out to just relax. Lie on a hammock or even on your bed and enjoy just breathing and relaxing.


Try reading a novel if you haven’t before or alternatively, read a magazine on an area of interest, whether it is fashion, sport, mechanics or even travel.


Catch-up on sleep if you have been lacking. This could be a real treat which will leave you feeling energised and well rested.

Start a new hobby

If there is something that you have always wanted to do (for example painting), then do it! This is a great way to reward yourself and perhaps discover a new skill or two!

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