Natural diuretics are natural foods or herbs that help to increase the flow of urine. These natural foods help in flushing out excess fluids from the body. This detoxification step can also lead to loss of many vital vitamins and minerals from the body. Thus, it is important to prevent this loss by including some natural diuretics for weight loss in the diet.
Here are the top 10 natural diuretics for weight loss:
Green teas are a natural diuretic agent, which have been used since centuries in China.
These stimulate the glands and the pancreas. Also, they detoxify the waste and clean out your body cells. Brussels sprouts contain some minerals that boost the kidney performance and better cleansing of cells.
Chives are often added to a salad. They have more than 80% water and are high in protein, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, carbohydrate, and sulphur. They help to stimulate the digestive system and are the best blood cleanser.
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This is popularly used in Latin cuisine due to its nourishing value. It can be added to raw vegetables, salads or other side dishes. Fennel has 90% water in its bulbous that is edible. This is an alkalinizing food that helps to loosen up mucous or phlegm and boosts digestive processes. This vegetable has good amount of sodium, potassium and iron.
Garlic is a natural diuretic food that helps to break down the fats. This is very effective for the lymph as it eliminates waste matter from the body. This aids the mucous membrane cleanser and treats sinuses, cold, asthma, and cough. This is also a good blood cleanser that helps to reduce high blood pressure. It can stimulate peristaltic action and help in the secretion of digestive juices. Garlic has 65% water and can even be used in any vegetable salad.
Parsley must always be added with other vegetable juices to reap the maximum benefits. This helps kidneys, bladder, urethra and genital organs. It boosts the secretion of digestive juices and reduces the disturbances in the liver and spleen. The water content in parsley is 85% and also contains some vitamins and mineral elements like potassium, calcium, magnesium and chlorine.
Oats is a good source of silica. This also has a natural diuretic property.
This is the richest source of vitamin c. This boosts the metabolic process and releases water from the kidney to eliminate waste by-products.
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