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3 Day Tuna Diet Plan To Lose Weight In 3 Days

Have you put on weight and want to lose it quickly? To do so without harming your body or going in for whirlwind diets, you may try the 3 day tuna diet. One of the popular diets, it helps the individuals to lose up to 10 pounds. The tuna diet does not starve the body of nutrients and requires only food products found in local supermarkets. The diet does not require any exotic food items. It does not have drastic side-effects on the body.

The 3 day tuna diet is based on the principle of chemical breakdown. It is best to follow the diet strictly and not substitute foods in the plan. An important point to note while following the 3-day tuna diet is that, it is not meant as a sustainable food plan for fitness. Rather it is a rapid weight loss diet plan that is meant for only 3days at a time. After the 3 days time period, it is best to return to a normal, healthy diet and exercise. Following the 3 day tuna diet plan continuously, beyond the 3 days time period, could be hazardous for your health and cause conditions like anemia.

3-Day Tuna Diet Plan:

The diet requires that only salt and pepper be used as seasoning. The individuals following the diet should not have any allergic history to the food items. They also should not suffer from any heart condition or any other medical condition that forbids the patient from eating the items in the diet plan. While following the tuna diet, it is best to drink plenty of water. 8 glasses of water per day is highly recommended.

Day 1 


  • The diet requires the individual to have one cup of black tea or coffee, one slice of toast with two teaspoons of peanut butter and half a grapefruit. 


  • Lunch entails a slice of toast with 2 teaspoons of peanut butter, 1 cup of black tea or coffee and half a cup of tuna. 


  • A small apple, 1 cup of green beans, 1 portion of chicken breast without the skin, 1 cup of sugar beet and 1 bowl of ice cream. 

Day 2


  • The second day of the tuna diet requires the individual to have 1 slice of toast, 1 poached or boiled egg, 1cup of black tea or coffee, and half a banana for breakfast. 


  • The lunch includes 1 cup of black coffee or tea, 1 cup of tuna and 6 crackers 


  • Dinner consists of 1 cup of broccoli, half a banana, half a cup of carrots, 2 hot dogs and half a cup of low fat ice-cream. 

Day 3 


  • The final day of the 3 day tuna diet entails 1 cup of black tea or coffee, an apple, 5 crackers and unfetta cheddar cheese for breakfast. 


  • Lunch consists of 1 hard-boiled egg or 1 poached egg, and a slice of toasted bread. 


  • The final meal of the 3 day tuna diet plan includes 1 cup of cauliflower, 1 cup of tuna, a half cup of low fat ice-cream and half a melon.

The diet is a low calorie eating regimen with plenty of nutrients that does not affect the normal functioning of the body. It is recommended for the individuals following the diet plan to take multivitamin tablets on each day of the tuna diet. This prevents vitamins and mineral deficiency in the body. The 3 day diet plan ensures rapid weight loss without the loss of essential nutrients. Yet, it cannot be a substitute for a full meal. The individual must resume his or her normal diet after the 3 day tuna diet.

The three day tuna diet is excellent for quick weight loss. It gives you the svelte figure you have been aspiring for without any harmful side-effects and impact on the normal functioning of the body.

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