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Two easy strategies for keeping off the kilos!


If you can maintain weight loss, you'll never need to diet again. The most difficult thing about reaching a weight loss goal isn't getting there, it's staying there. Studies show that a mere 5% of the people who lose weight are able to maintain weight loss in the long term! Below are two strategies that may help you to keep off the kilograms:
Keep an eye on it for 30 days
To maintain weight loss, you need to build healthy and sustainable eating and exercise habits once you reach your goal weight. A great way to do this is by 'keeping an eye' on your lifestyle by tracking your calorie intake and output for 30 days after you reach your dieting target. After a whole month of monitoring your lifestyle, making healthy choices will feel 'normal' and you will be more likely to maintain weight loss than if you just stop paying attention to your habits as soon as you get rid of that last five or ten kilograms.
Carry a portable motivator
One great way to keep yourself from having to diet again is to carry a portable motivator. Pick an image that makes you feel motivated to maintain weight loss, and slip it into your wallet. Try a wallet sized photo of yourself at your heaviest which will remind you how much better it will feel to maintain weight loss than it will feel to slip back to where you used to be. Or, try a picture of yourself looking and feeling exhausted  after one of the toughest workouts on your road to weight loss success, and pledge to yourself to never have to feel that tired ever again. The next time you're facing a tough temptation that could threaten your ability to maintain weight loss, pull out your portable motivator, and remember how great it's going to feel to never have to diet again.

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