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3 Things to eat to lose weight


Here are 3 simple techniques that will help you shed the fat, reduce the waistline, and also make you feel fantastic.

1. Eat a breakfast rich in protein

Research shows that a breakfast rich in protein can boost metabolism for hours after consumption. In addition, studies have shown that those who consume a breakfast rich in protein experience more appetite control. Simply eating a protein-rich breakfast reduces the desire to eat more throughout the day.

2. Eat your vegetables

By eating fibre-rich vegetables with your meals, you’ll benefit from all the nutrients packed in the vegetables and will find yourself full sooner so you don’t fill up on junk food or overeat. This is a great way to get full while at the same time consuming minimal calories.

3. Add hot spices to your meal

Add hot peppers or hot spice to your meals. By doing this, metabolism is revved up, and appetite is suppressed. 



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