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7 Keys to weight loss freedom


When you use Dr. Phil's 7 keys, you begin to: rid yourself of wrong thinking, heal yourself of emotions standing in the way of a healthy relationship with food, create a no-fail environment, shape your eating behavior into what you need for lifetime weight control, get real about nutritional choices that worked to your detriment, change your priorities to include exercise, and plug into a circle of support for encouragement and accountability. In short, you are changing how you're living. 

Key #1: Right Thinking 

Lay aside self-defeating, invalid mindsets that do not work. They have the power to keep you from making different choices or developing new behaviors. Too often, we let these negative notions go unchallenged, and we act as though they were true. You must monitor what you're thinking and challenge whether it is true. If it's not working, replace it with thinking that works. 

Key #2: Healing Feelings 

Overcome emotional overeating by managing inappropriate reactions to stress; solving problems rather than dwelling on them; changing self-defeating thoughts, since more often than not, feelings follow thoughts; gaining closure on unfinished emotional business; and learning new ways to cope without resorting to food. 

Key #3: A No-Fail Environment 

Design your world so that you can't help but succeed. This involves removing temptations to eat and rearranging your schedule in order to avoid or minimize triggers to overeat. 

Key #4: Mastery Over Food and Impulse Eating 

There's only one reason why you haven't changed the bad stuff in your life. You're getting something out of it. This key helps you identify those payoffs, unplug from them, and replace bad habits with healthy behavior. 

Key #5: High-Response Cost, High-Yield Nutrition 

To lose weight, you must choose foods that support good behavioral control over your eating, that is, high-response cost, high-yield foods, organized into a moderate, balanced, calorie-controlled plan to ensure weight loss.

Key #6: Intentional Exercise 

Prioritize regular exercise into your life most days of the week "walking, jogging, aerobic dance classes, yoga, playing a sport, or lifting weights. Exercise does more than simply burn calories; it changes your self-perception so you stop labeling yourself as a couch potato. 

Key #7: Your Circle of Support 

Surround yourself with supportive, like-minded people who want you to lose weight and succeed at your health and fitness efforts.


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