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Eat 6 small meals for maximum weight loss


Eating many small meals throughout the day helps weight loss as it increases your metabolism, keeps blood sugar levels steady and, thus, helps you avoid cravings by keeping you feeling full for longer. For maximum weight loss with six small meals, the key is to burn more calories and eat fewer calories at the end of the day. 

The following may help:

  1. Split your meals in half. This is an excellent way to begin as you are starting with your original full meal, so you will not be prone to overeat. Have one half of your meal half an hour earlier than your regular mealtime, and the other half two to three hours later. 

  2. Snack healthy. Reduce portion sizes of breakfast, lunch and dinner, and then add a healthy snack, such a nuts or fruits between meals.

  3. Drink plenty of water between meals. Water is not only good for health in general, it will temporarily fill you up and help you avoid food cravings.

  4. Consume foods high in fibre, protein and complex carbohydrates. Fibre is the indigestible portion of plant foods. High fibre foods, especially ones with high insoluble fibre content have bulking action that keeps you full longer. Complex carbohydrates are high-fibre, low sugar foods that have the same effect. Consuming protein is also known to improve satiety.

  5. Avoid overeating. Eat when you're hungry and not just slightly hungry. Wait twenty minutes to see if what you're feeling is real hunger. If the last time you ate is less than three hours ago, lay your hands on a small healthy snack to keep you going until your next meal.

  6. Exercise. The only way to consistently increase your basal metabolic rate, which influences how fast your body burns calories, is through exercise. Embrace an eating pattern with fewer calories at every meal and make sure to exercise regularly.


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