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Burn fat in two minutes


This two minute workout will awaken your fat-burning furnace the instant you awaken, making it easier to lose about 6,35 kilograms in just six weeks.

The following workout, taken from the new Men's Health book The Fat Burner's Bible is designed to jump-start your metabolism and maximise your fat-burning potential. Each exercise should be performed for fifteen seconds, before moving immediately on to the next one. The eight exercises can be completed in just two minutes.

1. Crunches

Lie on your back with knees bent. Keeping your neck and back straight, use your abs to lift your shoulders off the floor. Release and repeat.

2. Press-ups

With body straight and hands roughly shoulder-width apart, lower yourself till your chest nearly touches the floor. Push back up and repeat.

3. High knees

Keeping your upper body straight, start running on the spot. Keep your knees high and swing your opposite hand for a smoother rhythm.

4. Side-to-side hops

Starting with feet together, push off with your right foot to hop onto your left. Land on your left foot and follow with your right, then hop back.

5. Jumping jacks

Start with your feet hip-width apart and hands at your sides. Simultaneously raise your arms above your head and jump. Repeat.

6. Prisoner squats

Stand with your chest out and elbows back. Sit back and bend your knees to lower your body. Push yourself back up and repeat.

7. Mountain climbers

Start in a press-up position with your shoulders directly over your hands. Bring your right knee to your chest. Extend back and repeat quickly.

8. Bodyweight thrusters

Keeping your back straight, bend at the knees into a squat, then drive your legs straight while extending your arms above your head. Repeat.

Always stop if you experience any pain or discomfort while exercising and consult with your medical doctor - also if you suffer from any conditions and would like to start a new exercise regime.



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