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Eat good fats to burn body fat


Fat has been getting a bad name for many years now. However, new research indicates that adding some good fats to your diet will assist your metabolism to speed up and help you burn off some of that excess body fat.

Fats offer powerful health boost

Fats from natural whole food, like avocados and nuts, boost your health. Fat provides key nutrients, gives us energy and is essential for maintaining body health and normal growth.  Fats also protect our organs and many vitamins need to bind with fat in order to be absorbed.

Avoid all trans-fats

All fats, however, are not equal. Trans- and hydrogenated fats should be avoided totally in your normal day-to-day diet.

New research indicates that some healthy saturated fats – although raising LDL (bad) cholesterol levels – raised HDL (good) cholesterol levels just as much, if not more. A high HDL protects the body from heart disease and unhealthy cholesterol levels, says nutritionist and national spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association Tara Gidus, RD.
New thinking on low-fat and no-fat foods

Some decades ago we were told that, to avoid heart attacks and high cholesterol to go off fat completely. Manufacturers marketed low-fat and no-fat everything, and consumers responded accordingly. Unfortunately this did not work that well. Excluding all fats from our diets has deprived our bodies of important nutrients, whilst low- and no-fat diets have increased obesity rates.

Processed foods are tasteless when all or most of the fat is removed. This means that food manufacturers have to load foods with nutrient-free sugar and salt, to increase flavour. Many artificial food chemicals present in processed foods interfere with the natural metabolism of the body and cause weight gain and not weight loss.

Butter vs coconut oil

The jury is still out on butter and coconut oil.  However, new research indicates that it may well be healthier to eat organic coconut oil and natural organic butter from grass-fed cows, than consume a product like margarine which has undergone an unhealthy and distasteful manufacturing process.
If, however, you decide to eat margarine, at least make completely certain that the product is labelled ‘trans-fat free’ or ‘zero trans-fat’.

Some good natural fats

There are a range of good natural fats that you can eat to enhance your health. They include avocados, raw unsalted tree-nuts, coconuts, oily fish, egg-yolks, seeds, olives and cold-pressed, extra-virgin olive oil. It is important to avoid oil that has been heated during the manufacturing process.

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