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How to fight off cellulite


Most women are no stranger to the word ‘cellulite.’ In fact, this skin-dimpling appearance is thought to be a problem for 80% - 90% of women post-puberty. 

Unfortunately, there's no outright cure for cellulite - the fat deposits which appear just below the surface of the skin and give that cottage cheese, dimpled effect.

But, wait - there is good news! There are ways to fight and decrease its appearance by incorporating just a few simple changes to our daily routine.

Let’s take a look at some easy cellulite-busting suggestions!

Stay hydrated

One of the easiest ways to lessen the appearance of these persistent dimples is by increasing our water intake.

  • If you don’t like the taste of pure water, add a slice of lemon or fresh mint, or switch a few glasses of water for rooibos or green tea instead

  • You should aim to drink at least eight glasses of water per day

Get moving

Get up from your desk at least once a day, take a short walk over lunch, and choose an exercise class, activity or workout DVD that you enjoy

  • Cardiovascular exercise increases the blood circulating throughout your body and in turn enhances skin circulation

  • Incorporate weight training into your exercise routine and you’ll help decrease the appearance of cellulite by building muscle 

Eat right

Indulging and giving in to that greasy burger and chips, or that double helping of gooey chocolate cake on a particularly bad day isn’t going to do your body any favours. Even worse, it does nothing to help the appearance of your skin.

  • Rather stick to healthy and fresh foods, especially fruits such as papayas and mangoes that are thought to help prevent tissue damage. Dark berries are said to boost antioxidant levels, stimulating collagen production - which may lessen the appearance of dimples

  • For veggies, try broccoli and peas as they help fight inflammation of the connective tissue

Stop stressing

Stress and cellulite are not friends. When you’re stressed, you’re more likely to indulge in alcohol, caffeinated drinks, high-sugar or salty foods, or cigarettes - all toxic-forming substances which are bad for us. Not only that, your muscles tense up when you’re stressed and this stops the free flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the skin.

  • Yoga and meditation are two beneficial ways to decrease stress

  • Meditation helps you feel more calm and relaxed, while yoga has the added benefit of toning and stretching your muscles - helping your skin tp look smoother

Even though we can’t banish cellulite for good, we can still fight it. By fighting it, we’re allowing good habits to form that are so much better for our bodies. And the best part? We’re left feeling more confident and happier with our overall body image. Take that, cellulite!

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