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Low fat desserts that wont derail your diet


Life without dessert can be a little depressing. Not to worry though, we've found low fat desserts that won't derail your diet! 

Just because you've decided to start eating healthier, or you're on diet plan, doesn't necessarily mean that you should scrap dessert altogether! Having something sweet to eat at the end of a meal should feel like a treat; not a cheat. 

Need a little “pick-me-up” half way through the day? Low fat desserts which are low in fat and calories offer the perfect excuse for a quick break – any time of the day.

To give you an idea of a few healthy sweet alternatives, here are two low fat desserts from Weightloss.com.au... 

Low-fat Berry Delight (Serves 2) 

Fat and calorie content: 2.7g fat per 100g, 372kJ – 89 calories per 100g

  • You will need 200g fresh strawberries, 300g low fat or fat free raspberry yoghurt, and 1 x berry fruit bar

  • This dessert can be served in glasses or ramekins

  • Layer the chopped strawberries, yoghurt, and broken fruit bar alternatively

  • Garnish with fresh mint 

Slim Mango Fool (Serves 4)

Fat and calorie content: 2.4g fat per 100g, 332kJ – 79 calories per 100g.

  • You will need 150g low fat ricotta cheese, 125g low fat vanilla custard, 2 x ripe mangoes, and 100g blueberries.

  • Peel, chop and puree ¾ of the mango in a food processor or with a hand beater

  • Mix the ricotta cheese and custard together in a bowl and add in the pureed mango

  • Place the mixture into glasses or dessert cups

  • Top with blueberries and the remaining ¼ chopped mango

 Three other low fat desserts that you might like to try include poached pears with dark chocolate orange sauce, lemon sponge pudding, or low fat apple and cinnamon muffins. You can find these recipes by clicking here. 

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