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4 Weight loss habits that skinny people swear by


Since there are so many fly-by night weight loss tips and dodgy diets out there, how do you find the perfect healthy plan for your body?

The first thing you want to do is decide if you want to lose the weight quickly only to put it all back (and then some!), or if you want to keep it off by changing a few simple things in your daily life.

Let's look at a couple of weight loss habits recommended by experts:

Face your fears and weigh yourself daily

According to scientists at the University of Minnesota, people who weigh themselves every day as opposed to less often, lost twice as much weight as those who didn't.

Why? Simple. When you weigh yourself every day your mind is on your health and you're more accountable for what you eat or how often you work out.

Read up on health and nutrition

A Canadian study found that people were more prone to make smarter diet and lifestyle choices by being exposed to nutrition and exercise.

Start by subscribing to All4Women's health tips newsletters to get a regular dose inspiration and motivation!

Jump start your metabolism with breakfast

By skipping breakfast you're more likely to overindulge in things you shouldn't throughout the day.

According to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, people who skip breakfast are four-and-a-half times more likely to be obese.

Keep calm and stop stressing

Did you know that stress can play a huge role in weight gain? This is because your body releases cortisol (a hormone that promotes abdominal fat storage) when you stress.

If your work or your home life is stressing you out, practise a few minutes of daily meditation or simple breathing and stretching, join a yoga class or take a bubble bath with candles to help you feel more relaxed.

Recommended reading: The trick to stopping your weight loss yo-yo

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