Surgeon Dr. Oz is famous for his solid weight loss advice, which has helped viewers and celebrities to achieve their goals.
Dr. Oz first appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2004, and later on Larry King Live, before launching his own TV show, The Doctor Oz Show.
Here are 10 of his most popular tips for losing weight...
Eat oatmeal in the morning to prevent overeating in the afternoon.
Meditate to help you cope with chronic stress. Stress often leads to feel-good carb food cravings.
Don't fry your food. Eat it raw, or roast, broil, steam, poach, bake, or braise instead.
Create emergency healthy snack packs to help you avoid unhealthy choices.
Slow down your eating by having a conversation at the same time.
Take a walk before eating lunch or supper and you'll be less likely to choose something unhealthy to eat.
Drink green tea or eat chilli peppers to boost your metabolism.
Have a healthy smoothie. This will help keep you full and cut calories at the same time.
Swap fatty dressings for veggie dips, like hummus made from chickpeas.
Add a dash of cinnamon instead of sugar to fruits for a richer dessert feel â without the extra calories.
Recommended reading: Diet tip: Edit what you eat
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This article was written by Lizzie Fuhr and repurposed with permission
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