Thirty minutes of exercise a day is a good way to boost your metabolism but, when it comes to your overall health and exercising for weight loss, it may not be enough.
According to Kong Chen, director of the metabolic research core at the National Institutes of Health, "It's not just about 30 minutes of exercise, it's about fighting the sedentary environment."
Half an hour of exercise isn't a waste of time, but alone it's not going to clean the slate of the other 23 hours in the day.
The best way to reach and maintain your weight loss goals, and to be healthy, is to lead a physically active lifestyle. One that goes above 30-minute bursts of exercise.
Start small and take baby steps. For example, walk more every day. Park your car further away, take the stairs, or go for a 15-minute walk before supper or over lunch.
Do your 30 minutes of exercise every day, but don't limit it to that alone. The more you move, the better your overall health will be.
Recommended reading: Weekend-proof your fitness goals
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