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Burn calories performing bounding


Here’s how to perform bounding.

Phase 1

Bound forwards as far as possible with one leg. Now using the other leg, move straight into the next bound. Focus on creating a constant rhythm, instead of pausing unnecessarily between bounds.

Bound forward five times and repeat for three sets.

Phase 2

Try building up to six sets of 10 reps. Try to strive for as much of a horizontal distance as possible on every bound that you perform.

Phase 3

You can carry a dumbbell in order to add weight and help you burn more calories. Performing 10 bounds with added weight is a test of power endurance.

Remember that it is important for you to maintain your form, with a straight back and knee over the foot – this will help avoid the chance of injury. Try to point your foot slightly inwards as opposed to splaying outwards.

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