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Run on sand to burn more kilojoules


The Journal of Experimental Biology reports that running on sand will make you burn approximately 1.6 times more kilojoules as compared to running on the road. Jennifer Novak, a running and multi-sport coach says that running on sand is more aerobically challenging and that the unstable surface of the beach will help to strengthen muscles in our feet, legs, hips as well as our core.


Running on sand can be strenuous so if you have been recently injured or have limited flexibility in your ankle region, you should avoid moving on the sand as it will put added strain on your lower legs and calves. Rather wait until you have completely healed and feeling your best again, before running on the sand.

Suggested exercise

You can perform the following run with your shoes on. Run for 2 minutes on the hard sand that is closer to the water. Then run for 30 seconds on the softer sand that is further away from the shore. Keep alternating this pattern until your total run is about 7 minutes. Then turn around and perform this routine again.

Remember to stop if you are experiencing discomfort or are out of breath. You may need time to adjust to sand running.

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