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Burn calories with these rollout exercises


You will need a foam roller in order to perform the following exercises.

Calf rollout exercise

Sit on the floor with your legs extended. Place the foam roller underneath your left calf. Note that it should lie perpendicular to your left calf. Now cross your right ankle over your left ankle.

Support your upper body with your hands, and then lift your hips slightly off the ground. Then roll along the length of your calf muscle for about two minutes or so before switching legs.

Quadriceps rollout exercise

Lie on your stomach with your legs extended. Support your upper body with your elbows. Gently slide the foam roller underneath your right quadriceps. Note that it should lie perpendicular to your right quadriceps. Now cross your left ankle behind your right ankle.

Then roll slowly up and down the full length of your thigh, while keeping the muscle loose. Stop on any of the trouble spots. Do this for about two minutes or so before switching legs.

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