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Are you feeling left out on your diet?


Dieting and social eating

Let's be honest: going out for supper, or to a braai or a party when you're on a diet isn't exactly a lot of fun.

But neither is staying home just because you're scared that you're going to blow all your calories in one evening.

How to stick to your diet when you go out

Give these tips a try the next time you're invited out to a social gathering. This way you can still have fun – without derailing your diet.

  • Eat something before you head out the door so that you're not starving by the time you get there.

  • Take a small bite here and there and let people know you're feeling full. That way you're not overindulging, but you're not offending anyone either.

  • Serve yourself and make sure half your plate is full of fruits and veggies if you're eating a main meal.

  • When it's time for dessert and you want to avoid making an excuse to skip it, create a diversion. Get up to make a phone call or go to the bathroom.

  • Watch your pace, especially with drinks. If you must have a cocktail or two, make sure you drink lots of water in between.

Recommended reading: Can you drink wine while you're dieting?

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