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Save sushi calories with your next order


Not as low-fat as we thought

You might feel healthier choosing sushi over a burger on takeout night, but did you know that sushi can pack on as many – if not more – calories?

That's right, sushi isn't really as healthy as we thought after all. Here's why...

The skinny on sushi

Sushi is made up of a lot of stodgy, sticky white rice.

Add to that all that extra creamy mayo on top, fried pieces of prawn or shrimp (tempura), and bowls of soy sauce (all heavily laden with salt), and you've got yourself one calorie-dense meal!

5 Ways to save sushi calories

Just because sushi contains more calories than we thought, doesn't mean we should wave goodbye to this yummy take-out option.

To make your next sushi meal a little healthier, give these five tips a try...

  1. Avoid the sushi buffet. Yes, it might mean it's a little more expensive to order separately, but this way you're more likely to control the amount you eat.

  2. Skip the cream cheese rolls and anything tempura.

  3. Find out if brown rice is available and skip the white rice.

  4. Order more vegetarian sushi, but don't go overboard on all those avo rolls.

  5. Steer clear of all those “fancier” rolls like rainbow rolls, dragon rolls, etc. as these are usually larger and have more ingredients and calories.

Recommended reading: How full should you feel after eating?

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