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Are Pinterest and Instagram tempting you?


Giving in to food porn

Pinterest and Instagram are two notorious social media sites that overflow with tempting foodie images – otherwise known as food porn.

When you're browsing online, are you really able to avoid giving in to temptation after looking at all those close-ups of salted caramel cheesecake or gourmet burgers?

A study has shown that these images spark more activity in the reward areas than low-calorie meal pictures.

A healthy diversion

There's no escaping it – food porn on social media is here to stay, but there are ways to stop yourself from driving to the nearest bakery, or fast food joint after an innocent browse.

For starters, you don't need to give up Pinterest or Instagram altogether, just go about it a different way...

  • Follow a few healthy food bloggers and get inspired by their delicious-looking food creations.

  • Search for vegetarian or vegan food on social media – you'll be amazed at just how appetising healthy food can be today!

Recommended reading: Use social media to keep your weight loss goals

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