Make time daily or even a few days a week to give your loved one a massage. Aim to clear out all the knots that your spouse may have and help him to relax by providing a massage.
You could even use oils to assist you, if you find it difficult to massage for a short while without any aid. Alternatively soothing music can help to keep you focused on your calorie burning workout and it may play a role in reducing stress as well as anxiety levels.
You could focus on hands and legs on one day and back on another, or maybe spend a few minutes each on those areas. In addition, you could increase your knowledge and skills by taking a course on how to give a massage if you do not know how the technique works.
Not only will you be burning calories but you will also help your spouse to de-stress and calm down after a hard day's work! Just make sure he promises you one in return!
So you have tried fad diets, but gained the weight back (and some more
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