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7 Ways to get a flat stomach

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How to get a flat stomach 

Many people fall for the lie that they can eat whatever they want, as long as they’re exercising regularly, but this is simply not true! 

While many spend hours in the gym, it said that 'abs are made in the kitchen'.  So, with this is mind, here are seven tips to help you get a flat stomach with diet and exercise…

1. Eat six times a day and choose low GI foods

Eating regular low GI meals and snacks will keep your blood sugar levels stable and prevent you from craving those unhealthy snacks. Alternate larger meals with smaller snacks and eat every two to three hours. It will keep you full and satisfied, which reduces the likelihood of a diet-destroying binge. 

2. Decrease your saturated fat and sodium intake

These fats are often called ‘bad fats’ as research indicates it may contribute towards one's risk of developing many 'lifestyle' diseases. They are found in all animal products, such as meat fat, chicken skin, eggs, milk and cheese. 

Cut the fat off your meat before you cook it, grill foods instead of frying them and choose low fat options where possible.

Sodium (found in table salt) can make you bloated, so try cutting down.

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