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Lose weight by helping others


If you answered ‘yes’ to the above question, then here’s how!

Engage in voluntary work!

Volunteer your services, skills or time to a great cause – the more physical work required, the better! For example, you could help to pack boxes and clear out rooms, help clean areas or even assist in the building of some form of establishment. It all depends on the type of work that is available and just what level of physical activity you would like to engage in.

Start small

If you have not done voluntary work before, you could start small. For example, you could do an elderly person’s shopping for them, then work your way up by adding on more activities to your list of duties to be accomplished. Remember that the more activities and higher intensity of work in which you engage, the more calories you will burn!

Dress appropriately

Remember to dress appropriately for the type of work that you are about to undertake, as this will limit your chances of injuring yourself. For example, if you going to paint a room – wear an old t-shirt and flat shoes.

Always consult your doctor about the level of physical activity that you can perform, especially if you suffer from any medical condition or have recently been injured.

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