There are many factors that can stop you from losing weight, and no matter what you do food-wise, if you don't sort these out, your progress will be limited.
Here are three of the most common things most people don't consider when they diet:
(Fotalia #76002151 - © Oksana Kuzmina)
If you know anything about human biology this one should be quite obvious.
Stress (emotional, physical, spiritual, relational etc) releases cortisol - the stress hormone - into our bodies.
It's the one the body uses to protect us from famine or extreme cold. When we are stressed out our brain makes decisions to keep us safe, and it knows (from our cave-man days) stress means scarcity of food or freezing.
It sends out a signal to the body that storage is first priority. So anything we eat when in this state goes into reserves (fat cells) to get us through the coming time of scarcity or build a shield against the cold.
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