If any of these five 'foods' are in your kitchen they are probably slowing down your weight loss AND making you less healthy at the same time!
For decades various health organisations have preached the gospel of these two cooking oils. We have been told they are heart-healthy, lower in fat, better to cook with than butter and so on.
If you did some research into how these unstable oils are made 'fit for consumption' you would find out that they are bubbled through hydrogen gas in order to stabilize their chemical structure - the process is called 'hydrogenation'.
(Fotalia: © sarymsakov.com)
Now, I don't know about you, but I don't want my food to come with included chemicals for stability's sake... Sounds unhealthy right? Absolutely! Apart from this, these oils are still completely UNBALANCED from a nutrition point-of-view as they contain way too many polyunsaturated fats and too few monounsaturated and saturated fats.
These oils may as well be poison. Why do we get told we should use them? Because they are abundantly available and cheap to manufacture.
What to use instead? For cold application (i.e., salad dressing) use cold-pressed virgin olive oil. For cooking with heat use coconut or macadamia nut oil.
Talk about environmental hazards: A new study finds that people who ar
This article was written by Kelly Burch and provided by our partners a
This article was written by Jenny Sugar and repurposed with permission
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