Ever wondered how a pregnant woman starts gaining weight before she even (consciously) knows she's pregnant?
Without changing her eating patterns or quantities, her brain is able to flick a 'switch' and tell her body to start storing energy in the fat cells because it knows that it has to keep her and her baby safe and supply them both with energy.
Conversely, ever wonder why people who eat tiny little amounts of food can stay fat? If their brain doesn't flick the 'thin switch' then they will remain as they are.
Your brain is in charge of doing what it believes is best to protect you from harm. If it feels that for some reason being fat is protecting you, you will stay overweight.
For effective weight loss, you need to convince your brain that being thin = being safe.
(Fotalia: #73243812)
The Lifestyle After I gave birth to my son in April 2013, I weighed 15
The 30-minute workout is gaining serious popularity. The indoor cyclin
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