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Exercise tips for weight loss: Good morning!


Tip: Good morning!

One of the most 'old-school' exercise tricks for losing fat and bodyweight is to do some cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Jump out of bed, pound down two cups of water (or black, unsweetened coffee!) to wake you up and get your system going, and start exercising!

The idea behind this is that since your stomach is empty in the morning your body can start burning off stored energy (fat) immediately, whereas at other times it has to first burn all the available energy in your stomach.

So what is 'cardio' anyway?

'Cardio' (short for 'cardiovascular') is a term used to describe any exercise with the main aim of strengthening lung capacity and endurance.

Obviously all types of exercise are 'cardio' to some degree, but in general 'cardio' refers to non-resistance based training or training with very light weights and high reps.

What should you do?

Well that depends on your fitness level. The ideal morning exercise would be a long (35 minutes is good) run. If you can't manage that, a longer brisk walk will do.

Start with whatever you can manage, but remember it's only EXERCISE if it's challenging.

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