Consider taking several days off work to spend the school holidays with your children. Not only will this bring joy and happiness to their little hearts but it will also be a fabulous opportunity to shed a few kilograms by engaging in some physical activity together.
Play sport and active games, go hiking, walking or running together. You could even just play together outside, jump on a trampoline or have a fun day at the beach, swimming in the sea. There are endless things that you could do together to jump start your metabolism and burn some calories.
In addition, prepare healthy meals and snacks together and avoid heading for take-aways or eating out at every opportunity. Give your child the task of reminding you to eat healthily every time you consider taking in any unhealthy food or beverage.
Remember, your child will learn good habits (and bad ones) by observing you, so set a good example and be a role model when it comes to losing weight or being of an appropriate weight. This will be a motivating factor in helping you to drop those kilograms (if you are overweight) too!
Not every one of us can afford a good physical trainer who can guide u
This article was written by Jenny Sugar and repurposed with permission
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