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The perfect weight-loss pantry: The best butter

(Fotalia:  #77797597)

The best butter

There is no debating this, the best butter is the REAL thing - full fat, salted butter. I'm not saying you should be adding it to your coffee (I don't think there's any reason to do so), however if you must use a butter-type product then real butter is it. Anything else and you're basically eating a brick of man-made congealed chemicals - not so great ...

In a HEALTHY, BALANCED diet there are VERY few reasons you would ever need to use butter. The only ones I can think of right now are the occasional fried breakfast (use for frying the eggs), or for the odd occasion when you may want to bake something. In short, butter is a must have, but should last you a really long time.


MY favourite butter is sugar-free, salt-free peanut butter

Now here's a butter that you CAN use a bit more often. I use it to flavour raw oats for breakfast (about one heaped teaspoon) and to spread on the banana and egg pancakes that I make sometimes. It's also a good quick energy-dense snack - just don't overdo it. Also, it's a great cure for hiccups. Try it ...

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