Like 'eat all the cream and butter and bacon you want, but don't eat any carbs' for example.
The reason these books sell so well is that the temptation of the 'eat all you want' part of the deal outweighs the 'you can't eat this other food’ part.
It also works, because a large number of people who go on these diets totally embrace the first part, and 'sort-of/totally' ignore the second part. But hey, they bought the book right? Mission accomplished.
The TRUTH (and you can believe me - I'm not peddling a book here) is that ANY food can, and will, make you fatter if you eat enough of it. EVEN if you give up eating certain other foods.
Here are 5 commonly overeaten ‘health’ foods that might be stopping you from losing weight, PLUS the one food you really can eat as much of as you want to.
Back in our hunter-gatherer days we would have been lucky to catch a small animal once or twice a week. This rabbit (or whatever) would then have been shared amongst the family, making for maybe one mouthful of meat per person.
Compare this to the last steak you ate or how many times in the last week you ate meat and you'll begin to see the problem.
How much do you need?
You need (at MOST) 120g of protein per day, but more likely around 80g. That's easily taken care of by a cup of peas/beans/lentils, two eggs, a protein shake, and a 100g chicken breast.
Being overweight can really bring one down. The constant message that
Chia seeds in your pudding. Seaweed in your salad. Collard greens in y
Good news for sushi lovers: A natural seaweed fiber called alginate, f
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