Using them in your meal preparation will help you eat healthier, and get leaner while still enjoying some festive indulgence:
Most South Africans cook their food in sunflower oil or Canola oil. Without going into too much detail I'm going to ask you to STOP using these products immediately.
Hydrogenation is a process by which unstable oils are bubbled through hydrogen gas to make then stable at room temperature. Doesn't sound HEALTHY right? They are essentially man-made chemically produced 'foods' – Mother Nature did not intend for us to use them this way.
Another common mistake is when people use olive oil to fry food. Olive oil is wonderfully healthy when it is cold. When heated past a certain point it becomes rancid, or poisonous – that's why you should only buy cold pressed olive oil.
(Fotalia: #79118006)
Coconut oil
Coconut oil is solid at room temperature (which makes it very easy to work with – bonus!). It has no taste or smell and is completely stable when heated. It is also a NATURAL product. It is a very good source of healthy fats so you are ADDING to the nutritional value of your food by cooking with it.
This article was written by Jenny Sugar and repurposed with permission
Spices are one of the healthiest ingredients you can add to your food:
There's no doubt that losing weight can be insanely gratifying. Bu
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