Making simple changes to your diet is excellent and an easy way to drop some kilograms. There are many changes that you can make, but try starting with just one at a time.
For example, avoid having white rice with your meals and choose to have some quinoa instead. Quinoa has amazing nutritional benefits and it can help you with your weight too!
It is a naturally gluten-free food and contains valuable minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium as well as B vitamins. In addition, it is classified as a pure protein and is great for building muscle!
Quinoa can be consumed as a cooked porridge or as a base for a stew or curry. Have fun experimenting with this food and enjoy the delicious taste that it has to offer!
By Michele Foley for POPSUGAR Fitness Through interviews and Twitter,
Well here’s something you don’t hear every day: a celebrity sharing th
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