Pick your favourite (chocolate, pizza, etc) and promise yourself: "If I eat well until next Friday I'm going to have XYZ ".
If you're like most people, the thought of the impending reward will be a great incentive for keeping you on track for the following week or two.
Eating one chocolate bar/pizza/burger with all the toppings WILL NOT CHANGE YOUR WEIGHT IN ANY WAY. Why? It's because the treat calories will be such a small percentage of your total calorie intake over the course of the week that it's insignificant.
The trick here is to be realistic and balanced.
The trick here is to be realistic and balanced.
Setting yourself a reward goal for every day is NOT balanced. Once a week is good if you have lots of weight to lose, every two weeks if you're already pretty lean.
Enjoy your treat with zero guilt. Make sure it lasts 15 to 20 minutes, so it's memorable. Then make your next reward date and get back to the healthy stuff.
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