Here are seven great diet 'tricks' to use to make your weight loss easier and faster than you ever thought it could be.
We very often confuse feeling thirsty for being hungry. More often than not when you want a snack you're actually just noticing your body crying out for some hydration.
So before you grab something to eat drink a big glass of water and you'll usually find you're not so hungry after all.
Snacking before bed is a diet killer. Problem is, it's such a great time to have something nice to eat because for many people it's the one time of day that we actually relax and feel like we can treat ourselves.
There are two solutions here: one, have a closing time for your kitchen (make it two or three hours before you want to go to sleep), or two, have a bunch of evening snacks ready to go - a block or two of dark chocolate is a good one. Only allow yourself these particular items in VERY small amounts.
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