Problem is, when you're trying to lose weight, you can't just eat whatever and whenever you want to. You have to plan carefully and eat the right things, especially when you're snacking or eating out.
Here are six tips to help you cut calories so you can enjoy your food without maxing out your calorie card.
If you're a cereal-for-breakfast person then you could be making your biggest diet mistake just after getting out of bed in the morning. Many people love to eat muesli or granola, and think these are health foods.
If you want to eat cereal, go for a bran cereal of some sort
Unfortunately both of these products - unless carefully selected - are full of sugar and other things which make them both unhealthy and calorie-dense.
If you want to eat cereal, go for a bran cereal of some sort. They are lighter in calories and contain more fibre than the muesli or granola so you get a good start to the day.
If you are stuck on muesli or granola, make sure that the one you choose contains no added sugar. Have a small amount mixed together with some chopped up fruit in the morning. Go light on added yogurt or milk.
(Fotalia: #99426916)
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