Addiction is an interesting idea, because a lot of people who think they are addiction free would be the first to say something like 'I couldn't live without my (insert thing/food/drug/activity here)'.
Addictions can be obvious - like a drug habit that takes over a life - or they can be subtle, like the following things. Either way, being a slave to anything is unhealthy, and in most cases will adversely affect your health and wellbeing.
Do you find yourself more keen to connect with 'people' in cyber-world more than in person? Do you constantly find yourself trying to come up with your next cool status update? When you miss someone do you call, or tag them in something? Do you worry about what impression you are creating with your profile pic?
Social media addiction is a real thing and our interpersonal relationships are suffering for it.
Not to mention that it's sucking time out of our lives which should be better spent doing virtually ANYTHING ELSE. Invest that time in some exercise, work, people or relaxation and tell me your life isn't better almost instantly.
We often forget that stress has a major impact on how our body stores food and even the choices we make about what to eat. Exercise and socialisation helps decrease stress levels, and increase our feel-good hormones in a healthy way.
It’s the trendiest way to start the day, but is it possible we&r
The logic is pretty simple: To lose weight, you need to burn more calo
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