Very few of these diets have any long-term story of success though.
Enter the 'Mediterranean Diet’
It's a 'diet', but it's also just a way of life to some of the healthiest people on earth. It doesn't pretend to be magic, but it works.
Here are five tips to get you started:
On the Mediterranean diet you're not going to count calories anymore.
Instead you're going to swap unhealthy fats for healthy ones (more olive oil, less red meat and margarine), eat fresh fruits instead of sweets for dessert and enjoy red wine and wholegrain bread in moderation. You're also allowed to eat lots of veggies and beans and some nuts (a handful per day).
When it comes to losing weight, there are no simple answers. But what
Of course you try your very best to stick to a relatively healthy diet
What makes you pry yourself away from your comfy bed to hit that tread
Oolong tea is a variety of tea which boosts good health and helps in w
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