How can I be healthy on a budget? What alternatives are there to kumbacha and quinoa? Why is everything so expensive?
Sound familiar?
You’ve asked or wondered about this as well on your weight-loss journey. I know that when I started out, I was terrified by the high cost of nuts and don’t get me started on figuring out things like quinoa (or justifying paying that much for it). Don’t get me wrong, quinoa is great, but there are cost-effective alternatives for the regular ol’ lady like me.
I have always worked with a budget when doing my grocery shopping, but it is really difficult to budget on how much everything will cost. That is why I go into a shopping expedition like a mathematician whose life depends on finding bargains.
A lot of people are going to tell you that you need to start eating expensive health foods that you cannot pronounce - you don’t. The same applies with expensive supplements and special weight loss shakes that guarantee instant results – they won’t.
South Africans spent an average of R3,95 billion on eating out in 2014, according to the UNISA/Momentum 2014 Household Wealth Index. That is an insane amount of money to spend on junk food and isn’t helping anyone’s waistline or wallet. Switch to eating in more often.
Following a healthier eating plan and lifestyle doesn’t need to mean the end of your life savings. There are ways to lose weight on a budget, and by following these tips, you should be able to do just that.
Everybody wants to look slim and good. People work really hard for los
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