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Fashionable Nutrition Myths: Energy drinks are healthy

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Myth: Energy drinks are healthy

The energy drink industry is huge. And you can see why. People go to the gym or hit the road for a run, train seriously hard (or barely break a sweat) and then feel like they need to replenish whatever it is they think they lost during the workout.

This belief is a result of exaggerated fact, usually from the sellers of these drinks. So they grab the latest can of 'Animal Energy Beast Formula P3458' energy drink and slam down a bunch of artificial sweeteners, chemicals and calories in the name of health and fitness.

In reality, the function of an energy drink is basically unnecessary if you're eating lots of fruits and veggies, and drinking enough water.

The only (dubious) 'benefit' of such drinks is a bit of a sugar and a caffeine rush, as well as the psychological boost of having had something 'good' for you after training.

What should you do after exercise?

Drink a lot of water and eat some fruit. [Tweet this] This will replenish everything you need to replenish AND get some fibre into your system too, so the nutrition is actually digested properly.

Do that and you'll also save yourself a huge sum of money in the process. Good deal!

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