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Dilute calories to limit weight gain

Raul Taborda - 123rf.com

Here are some simple ideas on how to reduce the number of calories you consume on a daily basis.

Limit weight gain and calories from beverages

Do you consume several cups or tea, coffee or other hot beverages such as hot chocolate, on a regular basis? Now that we are in the middle of winter, it can be rather hard for many people to resist the comfort and warmth offered by these drinks.

Consider reducing the quantity of sugar and perhaps even full-cream milk or cream that you may be adding to your warm beverages. You can even try using honey as an alternate to sugar as it offers many benefits not forgetting its fabulous nutritional value.

Dilute sweetened beverages

Another alternative to reducing your daily calorie count is to dilute any sweetened beverages with water. This may include fruit juices or maybe even smoothies. Adding ice to smoothies is a great way to create a thirst-quenching drink whilst keeping the calories down.

Go half-and-half

If you enjoy a bowl full of yoghurt daily, consider having half a bowl of plain yoghurt and the remaining half – the sweetened one, instead of a full bowl of sweetened yoghurt. Give it some time and you may find that you would prefer eliminating the sweetened version from your diet completely.

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