We recently asked our friends, family, and awesome Facebook followers who have lost weight (and kept it off!) one question: “What weight-loss advice would you give to your former self if you had the chance?”
The responses were amazing, humbling, and totally motivating. Here are some of our favorites. Put them to good use.
“Just start and go for it and not to let my insecurities hold me back any longer! To be patient and understand that the scale will not be the only indicator of my results. And to ignore those negative feelings and voices telling me I can't or I will never look or feel the way I want to. Being hard on myself won't do me any good. That eating healthier and exercise is an active act of kindness towards my body. To continue to make small changes that I will be able to keep up. To enjoy the ‘little’ accomplishments, like how much better I did on a workout or exercise, or how much better I'm doing with my eating habits. And lastly that I will become stronger beyond my wildest dreams and I will get good at running and lifting and even look forward to working out! I will feel happy with myself and about my body when I look in the mirror.” —Lesley D. (lost 61 pounds)
“Don't diet. Just eat healthy and exercise. I did every diet you could think of. The only thing that has worked for me is to eat healthy. Following programs gets you off track eventually, and you gain it all back. I teach Zumba, and I could never get my weight to stay down. You can't out-exercise a bad diet. Finally, I figured it out.” —Kristy L. (lost 40 pounds)
“Stop focusing so much on how far you have to go, and make sure you enjoy the journey. I used to think that there was only one right way to do things, and that was the biggest lie. Everyone is different, and you have to be willing to branch out, do research, and experiment with things in order to find what works best for you. Fad diets are temporary. If you can't see yourself maintaining the lifestyle five years from now, then find something else. Some people like running, others like lifting. It doesn't matter what you kind of workouts you do, just make sure you keep active doing something you enjoy. And please never base your self worth on what the scale says.” —Diane H. (lost 109 pounds)
“Ditch the scale. It does nothing for you. It's about how you look and feel about yourself. That number can really screw you up, even if you're clothes are fitting better. Don't give yourself a number goal. Give yourself a goal to be able to look in the mirror and be happy with what you see!" —Mikal F. (lost 65 pounds)
“Don't attempt to lose weight for anyone else. It has to be something you really want and want bad enough to commit yourself to it totally. Losing the weight is only half the battle because the real battle is keeping it off; you can't ever go back to your old eating habits or else the weight will creep back on and you'll find yourself back where you started. And I say that from experience—this time I refuse to let that happen, and so far so good!” —Lori B. (lost 120 pounds)
“Stop eating fast food and drinking soft drinks. Once you get past that point of craving it, you won't really want it anymore. I haven't had a soft drink for two years, and I don't miss it at all. When I do eat fast food now, my stomach can't handle it. Why put myself through misery for something that isn't good for me anyway? I'm so much happier without it!” —Courtney S. (lost 40 pounds)
“Be consistent, and allow yourself a cheat meal once a week. Be consistent with your nutrition every single day, and the weight will come off. Happiness comes from within, so don't put too much pressure on yourself to be stick thin. Be happy with your natural curves, and flaunt them.” —Jade A. (lost 66 pounds)
“Celebrate and reward all non-scale victories. Write down all of your achievements and how far you have come. Acknowledge all positive changes. Get creative with food, and still enjoy your favorite treats. There are going to be good days and bad days and slip-ups. Own it and always get back on track; there’s no point beating yourself up over it. Keep a food journal, and portion out your meals. Have a good night’s rest. Remember, you deserve this.” —Nicole R. (lost 110 pounds)
More from Women’s Health:
3 Refreshing Facts About Weight Loss That Will Make it Seem So Much Less Intimidating
5 Habits People Who Successfully Lose Weight Have in Common
9 Ways to FINALLY Lose That Stubborn Belly Fat
This article was written by Laura Cipullo, R.D. and provided by our pa
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