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What Are The Facts On the Acai Berry and Weight Loss

Just a few years ago, everyone from Dr. Oz to Oprah was praising the health benefits of the Acai Berry. Flash forward to 2012, this super berry is still around, but no one seems to remember it! Does Acai still have real health benefits? Why has it disappeared from the media? This article aims to answer these questions.

Acai is small berry that grows upon trees in the Amazon Rain Forrest. Named a top super food, the Acai Berry became all the rage in the United States when doctors began to advocate its health benefits a few years ago. It is important to remember that fresh Acai goes rancid very quickly. Unless you live in the Amazon, freeze dried supplements are the best way to get the benefits of Acai.

Why is this little berry so special? The Acai Berry contains many essential vitamins and minerals such as iron and calcium. Acai also contains important omega fatty acids, amino acids, and dietary fiber. Acai gets most of its praise due to its antioxidants. This little berry has 10x the antioxidant power of red grapes and up to 30x the anthocyanins of red wine!

What are the health benefits of Acai? Some experts claim that Acai can be used to offer antioxidant protection against disease, slow the process of aging, increase energy and endurance, maintain a healthy heart, improve the health of skin and hair, and even boost the immune system.

So why has the Acai Berry disappeared from the media? The media is ever changing. They are constantly searching for what is new and hot, especially when it comes to supplements. When new information comes in, it is easy to forget about the valuable information of the past. The Acai Berry is just as powerful as ever, and you’d be surprised by how many people still make the effort to include it in their diets.

In conclusion, REAL Acai still has REAL health benefits. In order to find REAL Acai, either travel to the Amazon Rainforest or chose a whole food freeze dried supplement. Remember, Acai is one of the world’s greatest super fruits. Compliment your diet with Acai to increase longevity and improve overall health.

Watch this incredible Acai video to discover the truth on the Acai Berry and weight loss. Want even more? Just visit Kelly Melizzio’s site and read much more on Acai.

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