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The HCG Weight Loss Diet

HCG is a highly effective weight reduction treatment. It is perfect for individuals that have no discipline, have experimented with many diets without success, have regained weight after dieting, and for those who only want to lose a few pounds – it is for everyone who desires to shed just a little or a lot of weight without any risk to their health.

HCG has been discovered to be a fat burning hormone that leads to losing weight quickly when it is used as instructed.

Explanation of what HCG is…

HCG is a hormone that the female body releases while in pregnancy. The hypothalamus gland controls functions of the thyroid, controls fat storage, and the metabolic rate . The hypothalamus gets information from the HCG hormone which tells it to increase the metabolic speed , to melt away all supplies of body fat , and regulates the thyroid functionality . The conjunction of all these events will channel more energy to the body.

How Does it Work?

If a person takes HCG when not pregnant, it helps to switch on the hypothalamus which will convert the body into a fat burning machine, without ever having to exercise.


You will lose weight:

Without having to undergo.
Without exercising .
Without joining a weight loss group. Without the need to enroll in a weight loss club.
Without having to buy commercially prepared foods.
Without a fad diet plan.
Without having to give up all your favorite foods.
Without changing your lifestyle.
Safe for men and women.
And improve your body shape.


HCG is not approved by the FDA for weight loss purposes, but it is approved for improving other health issues. FDA has not approved HCG drops for weight loss purposes, but they have approved them for helping with other health issues.
It is commonly used for fertility in men.
HCG is used for boosting testosterone levels in men.
Potential side effects may occur, such as water retention, headaches, restlessness, breast tenderness, depression, and irritability.
Serious, although rare side effects include ovarian hyperstimulation.
A feeling of sickness can occur if too many drops are taken.

HCG drops are safe to use and are FDA approved for increasing the metabolic rate and other health issues. The drops contain one ingredient only – HCG hormone. HCG is native to the human body, both men and women. Although women produce a great deal of HCG during pregnancy, it can also be found in the cells of men, women, and children.

HCG drops that are sold today are a synthetic form of HCG. Scientists have harnessed the power of the HCG hormone and it is currently being sold as a natural weight loss formula. Although they are synthetic, they offer the exact same benefits for weight loss that the naturally produced HCG hormone does.

What you can expect

When you start taking HCG drops, you’ll usually lose approximately one or two pounds per day. After about one week using the drops, you should start to see real results. By two weeks, other people will start to notice, and by week three, it will become really obvious that you’ve lost weight.

You’ll find that you have more energy and a renewed vision on life. Visit my web page for more detail on HCG weight loss at http://hcgforweightloss.org

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