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Lose Weight With Detox Drinks

Many people have used detox drinks to help their bodies detoxify and cleanse. They enhance your body’s ability to cleanse itself, naturally. At the same time, you are able to create new cells and tissue to replace the old. But no matter what, your body cannot do any of this with the proper foods to provide the right nutrients to get the job done.

For instance, white flour and sugar will not build muscle tissue. Your body needs lean, protein to as building blocks. Nor can your body cleanse while you are filling up with foods that make the it sluggish. You need to help by consuming the right nutrients, foods and drinks that encourage your body’s cleansing functions.

Detox drinks are drinks made to encourage the processes of cleansing and detoxification. They are best when used with a cleansing diet and greatly enhance any weight loss or fat loss diet. Each drink has slightly different roles to help your body by stimulating detoxification, supporting the cleansing organs, and assist in flushing waste.

The cranberry flush is our first detox drink. This drink is made with 100% pure unsweetened, fresh brewed green tea, water and you can sweeten it with stevia. It is a drink used in many weight loss and fat flushing programs.

Cranberry stops certain strains of bacteria from sticking to red blood cells so your body can neutralize or eliminate them quicker. This is particularly true for bacteria that causes urinary tract infections. Cranberry juice and green tea are both high in antioxidants while green tea has been proven to combat effects of a fatty diet. One study even showed dieters who drank green tea every day lost more abdominal fat than dieters who did not.

Pomegranate juice in our next detox drink. It is an excellent body and blood cleanser and has been shown to promote blood flow to the hear, lower bad cholesterol and even reduce arterial plaque. This is a drink that will help cleanse cellulite-triggering toxins while protecting your health. Use only pure pomegranate juice which can be found at your local market or make your own.

Celery and beet juice are our last detox drink. This is an excellent combination to help your body flush excess fluids and waste. It is most effective when made fresh and drank within 30 minutes. Organic vegetables will be more potent give you the best flavor.

Celery juice has long been used to help flush excess fluids, regulate heart beat and even lower blood pressure. It is an excellent diuretic and even regulates heart beat. Both of these functions are extra beneficial as you lose weight. Beet juice stimulate your liver by causing it to eliminate waste and fat-trapping toxins. Use as much celery as you want but use only ? of a beet up to 1 whole beet.

Although known as part of a healthy colon cleanse, these detox drinks can enhance any body cleansing and weight loss program. Use them in between meals or as your health practitioner advises. Be sure to also drink plenty of water to help further flush your body. And remember to take care of your body so it takes care of you for many years to come.

Read more about Colon Cleansing and find out how colon cleansing and weight loss benefit you.

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