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How A Fat Loss Diet Can Help You Burn Maximum Calories

A Healthy Fat Loss Diet That Will Help You Lose Fat

Building a-fat-loss-diet can be somewhat tricky. Are you wanting to lose fat?

This technique will make you lose fat but not muscle.
This solution is based on leading science research and also common sense.
You’ll understand why some techniques are good, while others are not good.
This solution gives you motivation and drive to lose fat.
This solution will help you lose fat even if you struggle on other techniques.
Click Here To Get Started Easily!

If you are, then try this experiment. Start telling people that you’re trying to lose weight, and then just sit back and wait. No matter what, people will give you suggestions on what they say is ‘the only’ way to lose weight. Some will tell you that you must reduce your carbohydrate intake, because that’s the only way to lose weight. Different people will tell you that you need to reduce trans-fats.More people will say that it’s high fructose corn syrup that is ruining your attempts.More people will say to go vegetarian instead.There’s also the high protein and low fat approach.All of these approaches have some validity, but when it comes to weight loss, there’s one thing that never changes. In order to lose weight, you have to burn more calories than you consume (the exception, of course, is if you get liposuction). If you don’t burn more calories than you consume, you won’t burn body fat and you won’t lose weight.

It’s simple math. 3500 calories is the average amount of 1 pound of body fat. To be able to burn one pound of fat, you must reduce or burn 3500 more calories. 5 pounds is even more calories, naturally. That’s a whopping 17,500 calories! So what does it take to burn that many calories? Sure, you could eat less, but that only works to a certain point. Starvation leads to body reactions to cause you to retain your weight, because of evolutionary adaptations from centuries past.Your brain thinks you’re not being fed, so it’s not going to release the fat because it doesn’t want the body to die. In fact it will actually start scavenging the muscles for nutrients. Healthier diet choices are a good idea however. Making your diet full of lean meat, fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods is much better than eating candy, cake and fats all day.

It takes a lot, if you’re doing “standard” cardio. 1000 calories an hour is a tough goal, because you’d have to basically run 6 minute miles to do this. This isn’t too bad though, because if you do this, or only burn 500 calories an hour, you’ll still lose between 1 and 2 pounds a week.

Now that we know how to exercise, there’s also a few other pointers you need. Building muscle and lifting weights is a great thing we need to cover.Lifting weights will cause you to add muscle, and muscle boosts your metabolism, causing higher calorie burning!

But, it’s still very important to have a fat loss diet, so here’s a great way to build afatlossdiet to use.

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Austin Carls is a writer for http://a-fat-loss-diet.blogspot.com/

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