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New Weight Loss Surgery to Lose 20-50 Pounds ‎

Dr. Tom Lavin, founder of牋Surgical Specialists in Louisiana, is a pioneer behind the hottest new weight-loss procedure called POSE, which stands for primary obesity surgery endoluminol.Bariatric Surg...

Dr. Tom Lavin, founder of牋Surgical Specialists in Louisiana, is a pioneer behind the hottest new weight-loss procedure called POSE, which stands for primary obesity surgery endoluminol.

Bariatric Surgery

揚OSE is for patients爓ho want to lose 25-50, maybe 60 or 70 pounds,?says Lavin. 揑t抯 a much different group of people than we normally approach爁or 燽ariatric surgery.?/p>

Weight Loss Surgery

POSE is like the classic bypass operation, but there are no incisions, as everything is done through the mouth using an endoscope. The surgical tools make the stomach about 30 percent smaller, says Lavin, and the patient typically goes 爃ome the same day.

Krystal Townsend, 34, had struggled with her weight most of her life and was not happy with who she was. She weighed 229 pounds before she paid a visit to Lavin. After POSE, she says, 爏he has a new lease on life.

揑t was amazing,?says Townsend. 揑 didn抰 have any pain or any nausea, or any of the things that you hear about with some of the other procedures that are done.?/p>

Eve Talley, like most women, had tried diets for years but never got the results she wanted. Talley lost 12 pounds?a month after undergoing surgery.

揑抦 just tired of wearing a size 14 bathing suit. I want to wear a 6 or 7 like everybody else,?says Talley.

Lavin doesn抰燽elieve 爐hat surgery is?too extreme to lose only 25 to 30 pounds of weight.

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