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Strength Training Making Losing Weight So Much Easier

Whether you fight a constant lifelong battle with weight problems or only feel that you need to lose a few pounds, losing weight is a topic that seems to be uppermost in many of our minds.

Special diet books consistently rank amongst best-sellers on the bookstore shelves and it is impossible to watch television or open our email without being assaulted by "magic pills" that are guaranteed to help us lose weight. The trouble is these quick fix methods rarely work, and we are often left with a sense of failure after each attempt when they don't produce the results we expected.

So many people try to lose weight on their own and unfortunately suffer the consequences by negatively altering their metabolism and hormonal function. This then leaves our metabolic engine running at a slower speed making further attempts at losing weight even more difficult.

The true secret to weight loss is a very simple one, although it can be a challenge to implement it. Just a few changes that you make in your every-day lifestyle will help you lose the extra pounds without resorting to the expense (both financial and physical) of fad diets and dangerous pills.

The latest scientific way to lose excess body fat is to increase metabolism (the rate your body burns fuel) through exercise. When we perform a proper exercise program, our bodies require more energy and our metabolism increases in order to supply it.

The idea is to burn more calories every hour of the day and night even when doing very little, like sitting around or even sleeping. To enable this to happen not just any old exercise will do the job. It has to be the right exercise and that involves strength training for at least 60% of the program and some cardio interval training as well.

When performed correctly strength training increases energy expenditure during a training session using a high level of carbohydrates. Energy use continues to be elevated for a period ranging from two to fifteen hours depending on the intensity of the exercises performed and the resistance of the loads used. The increased energy demands are obtained by burning more calories 24/7 and a good portion of those calories are coming from stored fat.

The addition of lean muscle tissue will cause an increase in the number of calories that are utilized at rest. So it is comforting to know while one is exerting ones self through a strength training session that the hard work will result in an increase in metabolism that continues to burn calories hours after a workout.

This is a much easier way to lose that excess weight than deprivation diets, this way allows you more, more food, more energy, more strength, more fat loss and more out of your life. Dieting and food restriction is the opposite, less food, less energy, less strength, less fat loss and less you.

If you stick to your exercise program over a period of time you will find it gets easier and easier as you will benefit from positive hormonal changes. The feel good hormones will make you feel great, food cravings will be controlled with lower insulin levels and you will have a higher metabolic rate burning calories around the clock.

Unlike dieting which few people can tolerate for long, increased strength and fitness quickly becomes a way of life. The stronger and fitter you become the more you are inclined to move. Seeking daily activity becomes an almost instinctive habit.

The body fat loss you will experience will be welcome but you will be just as happy with all of the other benefits that will make you more vital, more alive and a happier, saner, healthier person for life.

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