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Are You Desperate to Lose Weight - The Shocking Truth About Losing Weight

Do you know anyone who is desperate to lose weight? This is one area which if unchecked, will cause a disaster. Why do i say this. This is simply because of the lifestyle we have adopted. In fact, do not blame yourself because you are not alone or even the cause of all this. In this article i will be discussing some of the effective ways of losing weight. If you have ever noticed, everywhere in the media; are all kinds of adverts of how to get rid of excess weight. However, do you know the truth. Keep reading, i have got an eye opener for you.

Stay Away From Junk Foods
One thing i should tell you upfront is that junk food is loaded with useless calories, and should be a clear No-No for you. These foods are loaded with processed sugars, empty calories , and it is a fat magnet. For your information, a 7 ounce of potato chips could have up to 1000 calories. Most of the people are tempted to use junk food because it is a quick and easy meal. You will find that many people cannot give up those chips, cookies, and ice cream, and especially at night. The best advice i could give you right now is to make sure that you do not carry these foods anywhere in your house. All, i am saying, do not buy it, period. The best it can do for you , is to make you fat, which contributes to weight gain, which you are trying to avoid. In essence, if you do not have it, how then could you eat it? so , you already have created a solution. I would also go ahead and tell you that when you visit a grocery store next time you go shopping, please do not be tempted to buy.

Eat a Good Breakfast
Breakfast is one of the most important meal you should not skip, after almost 9 hours since your last night dinner. By all means, you need it to start your day well with energy to carry through the day. What happens, when you sleep, your metabolism slows down naturally. Mind you, i am also talking of a healthy breakfast , not junk. This will jump-start your metabolism which will force your body to burn off calories faster.

In addition to a healthy breakfast, not only will it speed up your metabolism , but it will also support your metabolism at a high level for several hours after eating. A faster metabolism will make it easier to lose excess weight.

What is now very interesting, you will people claim that they do not have time to prepare a healthy breakfast. Let me advice you, you have to have time if love yourself, else, you will be forced to have that time, which you do not have and money to go for treatment. In fact, i do not think you really need to take this route. Just wake up early than normal and you will have ample time to prepare a healthy breakfast.

Cereals with milk is a great choice for a quick and easy breakfast, however, please watch what kind of cereals you are taking. They are all different in terms of calories and fats. Choose cereals with no added sugar.

Fruit is another great meal you could have for your breakfast, for instance banana, orange, grapes, etc. Have some fruit juice, but make sure it is pure fruit juice with no added sugar. In this case, it does not cost you a lot of time to prepare. Alternatively, just cut some fruits the previous night, and the following morning, it is ready to go.

What about eggs? it is a fabulous choice for your breakfast. You could choose to boil it and have it with a whole grain toast. All these are good foods to start the day, and help you to lose weight as well. They have a lot of fiber which is more filling and you do not crave for more food that you are hungry.

Use a Small Plate
This kind of sound very interesting, but it is a fact. You are limited to the amount of food you could take. The less you eat, the less calories you will accumulate. From a research study carried at Cornell University, it was found that people using large plates eat about 30% more food contrary to those who use smaller plates.
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