If you have a target of 7 days to lose weight than you better get to it fast. Before we begin I just want say that fast weight loss is never a good idea for a long term strategy to keep weight off. So I urge you to take what you learn here and combine it with longer term methods. With that being said lets get right down to losing weight.
Now losing weight fast is going to take focus and dedication, and you will only be able to lose a small amount of weight. These methods are not design to lose vast amounts, they are for people who need to lose an extra few pounds for a wedding dress or bikini.
To start off with you are going to need to boost your metabolic rate. The faster your metabolism is the more calories you will burn. The easiest way to boost your metabolism is to exercise and do lots of it. To burn the most calories it is best to do fast walking or running and you will need to do plenty of it. If you do either of these you get an additional bonus in that you body will continue to burn calories at a higher rate for up to 4 hour after you stop.
With all that exercise you are doing you will need to drink plenty of water. Now this is not to only to keep you hydrated when you are exercising. If you drink plenty of water your body will start to store less of it. This means that you will carry less water weight. Another bonus of drink lots of water is that it will help keep you full between meals so that you will feel the need to snack less.
Now lets talk about eating patterns. The way you eat will dictate the way your body manages fat. If you suddenly stop eating or eat very few calories your body will slow down your metabolism. But if you are a regular eater eating 5 or more meals each day your body will burn off those calories and if you are doing lot of exercising your body will burn even more. So when it come to the old wives tale of "eating less means losing weight" it is just nonsense because our bodies are deign to work with a constant supply of food.
I hope you find that this article useful but keep in mind that losing weight is different for everybody and what works for some people may not work for you. Just find something that does and keep a long term weight loss plan so that you can keep the weight off for good.
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